original owner: ?
purchased from: ?
purchase price: $ ? (MSRP= $ ? )
delivery date: ?
build date: ?
completion date: ?
exterior colors: Black / Orange trim / Orange wheels
Base Model $123,200
A1 Black $0
450 Ceramic Composite Brakes-PCCB $8,840
PCM Navigation $
Destination Charge $860
factory installed rollbar plates?
2nd owner: ?
purchased from: Beverly Hills Classic Cars, Beverly Hills, California
purchase price: $ ?
purchase date: 2008
listed for sale on the Global Autosports web site for “Call for price” with 241 miles on the odometer 2008.06.21
seller = Beverly Hills Classic Cars
no longer listed for sale 2008.11.02
listed for sale on the Beverly Hills Classic Cars web site for “Call for Price” with 241 miles on the odometer 2008.06.21
still listed for sale 2008.08.12
no longer listed in inventory 2008.11.02