original owner: ?
purchased from: ?
purchase price: € ? (MSRP= € ? )
delivery date: January 2008
build date: ?
completion date: ?
exterior colors: White / White trim / Silver wheels >>> White / Orange trim / Orange wheels
Base Model €
B4 Carrara White €
P74 Bi-Xenon Verlichting €
Lichtgewicht Kuipstoelen € ? Lightweight Bucket Seats
450 Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) €
639 Chrono Pakket €
Bandenspanning Controle Systeem (RDK)
Gordels in Indisch Rood Seatbelts in Guards Red
Voetsteun in Sportlook Footrest Sport Look
Voorbereiding Voor Voertuigvolgsysteem Preparation For Vehicle Tracking System
Destination Charge € ?
factory installed rollbar plates? yes
Roll Cage in Black
Schakelbak Gearbox
19-inch GT3 Wielen
Getinte Baan Bovenin Voorruit Track Top Tinted Windscreen
2nd owner: ?
purchased from: Porsche Centrum Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
purchase price: € ?
purchase date: August-September 2011
listed for sale on the Porsche web site’s used vehicle locator for € 129.500 with 17.350 km on the odometer 2011.08.02
seller = Porsche Centrum Groningen
still listed for sale 2011.08.08
no longer listed for sale 2011.09.25