original owner: ?
purchased from: ?
purchase price: ? € (MSRP= ? €)
delivery date: February 2008
build date: ?
completion date: ?
exterior colors: Green / Black trim / Black wheels
Base Model ? €
J5 Verde? €
P74 Sistema de faros bi-xenon ? €
450 Frenos cerámicos, Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) ? €
Kit de Carbono ? € Carbon kit
Kit de Carbono en el salpicadero ? € Carbon kit on the dashboard
Parte posterior de la consola central en carbono ? € Rear of the center console in carbon
Sistema de control de presión de neumáticos ? € System, tire-pressure monitoring
Reposapiés en look deportivo ? € Footrests look at sports
Alfombrillas ? € Mats
Destination Charge ? €
factory installed rollbar plates? yes
Parabrisas con tintado graduado Graduated tinted windscreen
Barra antivuelco en negro Black bar in
2nd owner: ?
purchased from: Centro Porsche Pamplona, Noain-Pamplona, Spain
purchase price: ? €
purchase date: July/August 2009
listed for sale on the Porsche.com web site’s used vehicle locator for 125.000 € with 725 km on the odometer 2009.07.02
seller = Centro Porsche Pamplona, Noain-Pamplona, Spain
“Año de matriculación: 02/08”
still listed for sale 2009.07.09
still listed for sale 2009.07.13
no longer listed for sale on the Porsche.com web site 2009.08.11
3rd owner: ?
purchased from: Centro Porsche Pamplona, Noain-Pamplona, Spain
purchase price: ? €
purchase date: November 2010-January 2011
listed for sale on the Porsche.com web site’s used vehicle locator for 118.500 € with 3.653 km on the odometer 2010.09.15
seller = Centro Porsche Pamplona, Noain-Pamplona, Spain
“Año de matriculación: 02/08”
still listed for sale 2010.10.06
still listed for sale, with the price reduced to 114.000 € with 3.653 km on the odometer 2010.11.02
no longer listed for sale 2011.01.14